KDE Developer website
The KDE Developer website is built using Hugo and is hosted on Invent.
It is home to the development tutorials and the KDE Human Interface Guidelines.
Contributing to the KDE Developer website
The source code for this website can be found at
To learn more about the formatting and custom tooling available to start contributing, see the Formatting Guidelines.
To learn more about tutorial style and the use cases of the available tools, see the Style Guidelines.
To learn how to submit a contribution, see Submitting a Merge Request.
Before running the website
Download the latest Hugo release (extended version) from here and clone this repo. Once you've cloned the site repo, enter the repo root folder.
Certain tutorials fetch examples directly from their respective repositories (library-specific ones, like KArchive or KAuth); to display them, you'll need to run a Python script. Make sure you have the required dependencies installed on your system. We suggest using venv
for this:
Then, run this Python script:
Running the website locally
From the repo's root folder, run:
And open http://localhost:1313
Extract icon metadata
Data for the icon galleries (i.e. /frameworks/breeze-icons/
) must be extracted via scripts/
. The script is configured with the correct paths for this repository and therefore may be executed without additional arguments. It expects breeze-icons and oxygen-icons to be installed on the system (the base install path can be configured, see below). If icons are not found, they will be fetched.
The Kirigami tutorials are internationalized and localized using hugoi18n.
hugo-kde theme
This website uses a theme shared among KDE websites that are Hugo-based. If you have some issue that you think is not inside this repo, or if you just want to know more about the theme, have a look at hugo-kde wiki.
Last updated