Installing Qt 6 SDK

The Qt SDK includes the tools you need to build desktop or embedded applications. You can grab the latest version from the Qt Company’s homepage. There is an offline and online installer. The author personally prefers the online installer package as it allows you to install and update multiple Qt releases. This is the recommended way to start. The SDK itself has a maintenance tool, which allows you to update the SDK to the latest version.

The Qt SDK is easy to install and comes with its own IDE for rapid development called Qt Creator. The IDE is a highly productive environment for Qt coding and recommended to all readers. Many developers use Qt from the command line, however, and you are free to use the code editor of your choice.

When installing the SDK, you should select the default option and ensure that at least Qt 6.2 is enabled. Then you’re ready to go.

Update Qt

The Qt SDK comes with an own maintenance tool located under the ${install_dir}. It allows to add and/or update Qt SDK components.

Build from Source

To build Qt from source you can follow the guide from the Qt Wiki.

Last updated