Video Streams

The VideoOutput element is not limited to be used in combination with a MediaPlayer element. It can also be used with various video sources to display video streams.

For instance, we can use the VideoOutput to display the live video stream of the user's Camera. To do so, we will combine it with two components: Camera and CaptureSession.

import QtQuick
import QtMultimedia

Window {
    width: 1024
    height: 768
    visible: true

    CaptureSession {
        id: captureSession
        camera: Camera {}
        videoOutput: output

    VideoOutput {
        id: output
        anchors.fill: parent


The CaptureSession component provides a simple way to read a camera stream, capture still images or record videos.

CaptureSession {
    id: captureSession
    camera: Camera {}
    videoOutput: output

As the MediaPlayer component, the CaptureSession element provides a videoOuput attribute. We can thus use this attribute to configure our own visual component.

Finally, when the application is loaded, we can start the camera recording:


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