Aplica efectos a los componentes de tu aplicación.
Merges two source items by using a blend mode
Adjusts brightness and contrast
Alters the colors of the source item by applying an overlay color
Sets the color in the HSL color space
Draws a conical gradient
Reduces the saturation of the colors
Applies blur effect to the specified direction
Moves the pixels of the source item according to the given displacement map
Generates a soft shadow behind the source item
Applies a fast blur effect to one or more source items
Alters the luminance of the source item
Applies a higher quality blur effect
Generates a halo like glow around the source item
Alters the source item colors in the HSL color space
Generates a colorized and blurred shadow inside the source
Adjusts color levels in the RGBA color space
Draws a linear gradient
Applies a blur effect with a varying intesity
Masks the source item with another item
Applies directional blur in a circular direction around the items center point
Draws a radial gradient
Generates a blurred and colorized rectangle, which gives the impression that the source is glowing
Blurs repeatedly, providing a strong blur effect
Masks the source item with another item and applies a threshold value
Applies directional blur effect towards source items center point
Last updated