Configuration keys

List of all the configurations keys available for the scripting API

Here you find a list of commonly used configuration keys to use with the writeConfig() command. Where the documentation notes that a key is in a subgroup other than General, remember to first use currentConfigGroup.



  • displayStyle: (Enum, default: 0) Whether to show text, a flag, or both on the compact representation.



  • icon: (String, default: start-here-kde-symbolic) The name of the icon to use for the compact representation (e.g. on a small panel).

  • useCustomButtonImage: (Bool, default: false) Whether to use a custom image instead of an icon in the compact representation (e.g. on a small panel).

  • customButtonImage: (Url, default: null) The URL of the custom image to use instead of an icon in the compact representation (e.g. on a small panel).

  • appNameFormat: (Int, default: 0) The format used in the display of application names: 0 = NameOnly, 1 = GenericNameOnly, 2 = NameAndGenericName, 3 = GenericNameAndName

  • limitDepth: (Bool, default: false) Whether to flatten top-level menu categories to a single level instead of displaying sub-categories.

  • alphaSort: (Bool, default: false) Whether to sort menu contents alphabetically or use manual/system sort order.

  • recentOrdering: (Int, default: 0) How should the previously used apps/docs be ordered: 0 = RecentFirst, 1 = PopularFirst

  • favoriteApps: (StringList, default: preferred://browser,org.kde.kontact.desktop,systemsettings.desktop,org.kde.dolphin.desktop, List of general favorites. Supported values are menu id's (usually .desktop file names), special URLs that expand into default applications (e.g. preferred://browser), document URLs and KPeople contact URIs.

  • favoriteSystemActions: (StringList, default: logout,reboot,shutdown) List of system action favorites.

  • favoritesPortedToKAstats: (Bool, default: false) Are the favorites ported to use KActivitiesStats to allow per-activity favorites

  • hiddenApplications: (StringList, default: empty list) List of menu id's (usually .desktop file names) of apps that should not be shown in the menu.

  • showRecentApps: (Bool, default: true) Whether to show the "Recent Applications" category.

  • showRecentDocs: (Bool, default: true) Whether to show the "Recent Files" category.

  • useExtraRunners: (Bool, default: true) Whether to use additional KRunner plugins to produce results in the search.

  • extraRunners: (StringList, default: krunner_shell,krunner_bookmarksrunner,baloosearch,locations) The plugin id's of additional KRunner plugins to use. Only used if useExtraRunners is true.

  • alignResultsToBottom: (Bool, default: true) Whether to align search results to the bottom of the menu representation (e.g. panel popup) instead of the top.

  • showIconsRootLevel: (Bool, default: false) Whether to show icons on the root level of the menu.



  • icon: (String, default: start-here-kde-symbolic) The name of the icon used in the compact representation (e.g. on a small panel).

  • menuLabel: (string, default: null) Text label for the Panel button

  • favorites: (StringList, default: preferred://browser,org.kde.kontact.desktop,systemsettings.desktop,org.kde.dolphin.desktop, List of general favorites. Supported values are menu id's (usually .desktop file names), special URLs that expand into default applications (e.g. preferred://browser), document URLs and KPeople contact URIs.

  • systemFavorites: (StringList, default: suspend,hibernate,reboot,shutdown) List of system action favorites.

  • primaryActions: (Int, default: 0) Which actions should be displayed in the footer: 0 = Power, 1 = Session, 2 = Custom, 3 = Power and session

  • favoritesPortedToKAstats: (Bool, default: false) Are the favorites ported to use KActivitiesStats to allow per-activity favorites

  • systemApplications: (StringList, default: systemsettings.desktop,org.kde.kinfocenter.desktop, List of applications at the top of the "Computer" tab.

  • paneSwap: (Bool, default: false) Whether to swap the sidebar and content panes

  • favoritesDisplay: (Int, default: 0) How to display favorites: 0 = Grid, 1 = List

  • applicationsDisplay: (Int, default: 1) How to display applications: 0 = Grid, 1 = List

  • alphaSort: (Bool, default: false) Whether to sort menu contents alphabetically or use manual/system sort order.

  • pin: (Bool, default: false) Whether the popup should remain open when another window is activated

  • showActionButtonCaptions: (Bool, default: true) Whether to display captions ("shut down", "log out", etc.) for the footer action buttons

  • compactMode: (Bool, default: false) Whether to use a compact display style for list items



  • vertical_lookup_table: (Bool, default: false)

  • use_default_font: (Bool, default: true)

  • font: (Font, default: null)

  • hiddenList: (StringList, default: empty list)

  • scaleIconsToFit: (bool, default: false) Whether to automatically scale System Tray icons to fix the available thickness of the panel. If false, tray icons will be capped at the smallMedium size (22px) and become a two-row/column layout when the panel is thick.



  • icon: (String, default: user-desktop)



  • displayedText: (Enum, default: 2) The text to show inside the desktop rectangles.

  • showWindowOutlines: (Bool, default: true) Whether to show window outlines.

  • showWindowIcons: (Bool, default: false) Whether to show window icons inside the window rectangles.

  • showOnlyCurrentScreen: (Bool, default: false) Whether to limit the Pager to the set of windows and the geometry of the screen the widget resides on.

  • wrapPage: (Bool, default: false) Whether to wrap page when navigating with pager

  • currentDesktopSelected: (Enum, default: 0) What to do on left-mouse click on a desktop rectangle.

  • pagerLayout: (Enum, default: 0) The layout style used for the presentation.



  • showActivityName: (Bool, default: true) Show the current activity name

  • showActivityIcon: (Bool, default: true) Show the current activity icon instead of the applet icon



  • icon: (String, default: user-desktop-symbolic)



  • showOnlyCurrentScreen: (Bool, default: false) Whether to show only window tasks that are on the same screen as the widget.

  • showOnlyCurrentDesktop: (Bool, default: true) Whether to only show tasks that are on the current virtual desktop.

  • showOnlyCurrentActivity: (Bool, default: true) Whether to show only tasks that are on the current activity.

  • showOnlyMinimized: (Bool, default: false) Whether to show only window tasks that are minmized.

  • unhideOnAttention: (Bool, default: true) Whether to unhide if a window wants attention.

  • groupingStrategy: (Enum, default: 1) How tasks are grouped: 0 = Do Not Group, 1 = By Program Name

  • groupedTaskVisualization: (Enum, default: 0) What happens when clicking on a grouped task: 0 = cycle through grouped tasks, 1 = try to show tooltips, 2 = try to show present Windows effect, 3 = show textual list (AKA group dialog)

  • groupPopups: (Bool, default: true) Whether groups are to be reduced to a single task button and expand into a popup or task buttons are grouped on the widget itself.

  • onlyGroupWhenFull: (Bool, default: true) Whether to group always or only when the widget runs out of space to show additional task buttons comfortably.

  • groupingAppIdBlacklist: (StringList, default: empty list) The id's (usually .desktop file names) of applications that should not have their tasks grouped.

  • groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist: (StringList, default: empty list) The launcher URLs (usually .desktop file or executable URLs) of applications that should not have their tasks grouped.

  • sortingStrategy: (Int, default: 1) How to sort tasks: 0 = Do Not Sort, 1 = Manually, 2 = Alphabetically, 3 = By Desktop, 4 = By Activity

  • separateLaunchers: (Bool, default: true) Whether launcher tasks are sorted separately at the left side of the widget or can be mixed with other tasks.

  • hideLauncherOnStart: (Bool, default: true) Whether launcher tasks should be hidden when their application is launched.

  • maxStripes: (Int, default: 1) The maximum number of rows (in a horizontal-orientation containment, i.e. panel) or columns (in a vertical-orientation containment) to layout task buttons in.

  • forceStripes: (Bool, default: false) Whether to try and always layout task buttons in as many rows/columns as set via maxStripes.

  • showToolTips: (Bool, default: true) Whether to show tooltips when hovering task buttons.

  • taskMaxWidth: (Enum, default: 1) Tune the max width of task items.

  • wheelEnabled: (Bool, default: true) Whether using the mouse wheel with the mouse pointer above the widget should switch between tasks.

  • wheelSkipMinimized: (Bool, default: true) Whether to skip minimized tasks when switching between them using the mouse wheel.

  • highlightWindows: (Bool, default: true) Whether to request the window manager highlight windows when hovering corresponding task tooltips.

  • launchers: (StringList, default: applications:systemsettings.desktop,,preferred://filemanager,preferred://browser) The list of launcher tasks on the widget. Usually .desktop file or executable URLs. Special URLs such as preferred://browser that expand to default applications are supported.

  • middleClickAction: (Enum, default: 2) What to do on middle-mouse click on a task button.

  • indicateAudioStreams: (Bool, default: true) Whether to indicate applications that are playing audio including an option to mute them.

  • fill: (Bool, default: true) Whether task manager should occupy all available space.

  • taskHoverEffect: (Bool, default: true) Whether task buttons should change in appearance when the mouse pointer is above them.

  • maxTextLines: (Int, default: 0) The maximum number of text lines to show in a task button. 0 means no limit.

  • minimizeActiveTaskOnClick: (Bool, default: true) Whether to minimize the currently-active task when clicked. If false, clicking on the currently-active task will do nothing.

  • reverseMode: (Bool, default: false) Whether to grow the tasks in according to system configuration or opposite to system configuration.

  • iconSpacing: (Int, default: 1) Spacing between icons in task manager. Margin is multiplied by this value.



  • showText: (Bool, default: true) Whether to show the window title when the applet is used on a horizontal panel



  • showOffLeds: (Bool, default: true)

  • showSeconds: (Bool, default: true)

  • useCustomColorForActive: (Bool, default: false)

  • customColorForActive: (Color, default: green)

  • useCustomColorForInactive: (Bool, default: false)

  • customColorForInactive: (Color, default: red)

  • useCustomColorForGrid: (Bool, default: false)

  • customColorForGrid: (Color, default: blue)



  • history: (StringList, default: empty list)

  • autoClipboard: (Bool, default: true)

  • defaultFormat: (String, default: #RRGGBB)

  • pickOnActivate: (Bool, default: true)

  • compactPreviewCount: (Int, default: 1)



  • dictionary: (String, default: all)



  • imagePath: (String, default: empty string)

  • useImage: (Bool, default: false)

  • showNumerals: (Bool, default: true)

  • boardColor: (Color, default: #333333)

  • numberColor: (Color, default: #ffffff)

  • boardSize: (Int, default: 4)



  • fuzzyness: (Int, default: 1)

  • boldText: (Bool, default: false)

  • italicText: (Bool, default: false)



  • key: (StringList, default: Caps Lock)



  • interval: (Double, default: 10.0)

  • randomize: (Bool, default: true)

  • pauseOnMouseOver: (Bool, default: true)

  • leftClickOpenImage: (Bool, default: true)

  • showCountdown: (Bool, default: true)

  • fillMode: (int, default: 1)


  • pathList: (StringList, default: empty list)



  • color: (String, default: yellow)

  • fontSize: (int, default: null)

  • noteId: (String, default: empty string)

  • scrollX: (Double, default: 0)

  • scrollY: (Double, default: 0)

  • cursorPosition: (Int, default: 0)



  • maxSectionCount: (Int, default: 1)

  • showLauncherNames: (Bool, default: false)

  • enablePopup: (Bool, default: false)

  • title: (String, default: empty string)

  • launcherUrls: (StringList, default: empty list)

  • popupUrls: (StringList, default: empty list)



  • predefinedTimers: (StringList, default: 30,60,120,300,450,600,900,1200,1500,1800,2700,3600)

  • running: (int, default: 0)

  • seconds: (int, default: 0)

  • savedAt: (DateTime, default: null)

  • showTitle: (Bool, default: false)

  • title: (String, default: Timer)

  • showRemainingTime: (Bool, default: true)

  • showSeconds: (Bool, default: true)

  • showTimerToggle: (Bool, default: true)

  • showProgressBar: (Bool, default: false)

  • showNotification: (Bool, default: true)

  • notificationText: (String, default: Timer finished)

  • runCommand: (Bool, default: false)

  • command: (String, default: empty string)



  • showFace: (Bool, default: false)

  • showName: (Bool, default: true)

  • showFullName: (Bool, default: true)

  • showTechnicalInfo: (Bool, default: false)


  • updateInterval: (int, default: 30)

  • source: (string, default: null)


  • showTemperatureInCompactMode: (bool, default: false)

  • showTemperatureInBadge: (bool, default: false)

  • showTemperatureInTooltip: (bool, default: true)

  • showWindInTooltip: (bool, default: true)

  • showPressureInTooltip: (bool, default: false)

  • showHumidityInTooltip: (bool, default: true)


  • temperatureUnit: (int, default: null)

  • pressureUnit: (int, default: null)

  • speedUnit: (int, default: null)

  • visibilityUnit: (int, default: null)



  • useDefaultUrl: (Bool, default: false)

  • defaultUrl: (String, default:

  • url: (String, default:

  • useMinViewWidth: (Bool, default: true)

  • minViewWidth: (Int, default: 600)

  • constantZoomFactor: (Int, default: 100)

  • icon: (String, default: empty string) The name of the icon used in the compact representation (e.g. on a small panel).

  • favIcon: (String, default: empty string) The url of the website's favicon that is saved in the last session.

  • useFavIcon: (Bool, default: true) Use the website's favicon instead of a system icon

  • enableNavigationBar: (Bool, default: true)



  • showSecondHand: (Bool, default: false)

  • showTimezoneString: (Bool, default: false)



  • compactView: (Bool, default: false) If true it only shows a button for the application menu.



  • startOfWorkingDay: (int, default: 9)

  • endOfWorkingDay: (int, default: 17)

  • showWeekNumbers: (Bool, default: false)

  • compactDisplay: (String, default: d)



  • barcodeType: (String, default: QRCode)



  • removableDevices: (Bool, default: true) If true it lists removable devices, such as USB thumbdrives. Only one between removableDevices, nonRemovableDevices and allDevices should be set.

  • nonRemovableDevices: (Bool, default: false) If true it lists non removable devices, such as internal harddrives. Only one between removableDevices, nonRemovableDevices and allDevices should be set.

  • allDevices: (Bool, default: false) If true it lists all kind of devices. Only one between removableDevices, nonRemovableDevices and allDevices should be set.

  • popupOnNewDevice: (Bool, default: true) If true it tries to open the plasmoid when a new device is inserted, as a kind of notification.



  • showLocalTimezone: (Bool, default: false) Whether the time zone should be displayed when the clock is showing the local time zone.

  • showSeconds: (Enum, default: 1) How seconds should be shown in the clock.

  • showDate: (Bool, default: true) Whether the date should be shown next to the clock.

  • dateFormat: (string, default: shortDate) The date format to display. Options are: shortDate, longDate, isoDate or custom.

  • customDateFormat: (string, default: ddd d) Custom date format string.

  • autoFontAndSize: (Bool, default: true) Use Plasma default font and automatically determine font size.

  • fontFamily: (string, default: null) Font family. e.g "arial". The system font is used if this is not set.

  • boldText: (Bool, default: false) Sets the font to bold.

  • italicText: (Bool, default: false) Sets the font to italic.

  • fontWeight: (Int, default: 50) Sets font weight.

  • fontStyleName: (string, default: null) Sets font style

  • fontSize: (Int, default: 10) Sets font size.

  • timeFormat: (string, default: default)

  • selectedTimeZones: (StringList, default: Local) A list of the configured time zones. Format is "Europe/London". Special entry "Local" indicates system time zone.

  • lastSelectedTimezone: (String, default: Local) When multiple time zones are configured, this is the one shown on widget restore. Typically the system's current time zone.

  • wheelChangesTimezone: (Bool, default: false) Whether the mouse wheel switches between the time zones configured in selectedTimeZones.

  • displayTimezoneFormat: (Enum, default: 0) Whether the time zone is displayed as a code i.e. "GMT", full text i.e. "London" or UTC offset "+1".

  • showWeekNumbers: (Bool, default: false) Whether the calendar should show week numbers.

  • use24hFormat: (UInt, default: 1) Force the clock to use 12/24 hour time, instead of following the user locale.

  • firstDayOfWeek: (Int, default: -1) Force the calendar to use a specific week day as first day of a week. -1 means follow user locale, 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.

  • enabledCalendarPlugins: (StringList, default: empty list) A list of plugins where additional calendar event data can be sourced.

  • pin: (Bool, default: false) Whether the popup should remain open when another window is activated

  • dateDisplayFormat: (Enum, default: 0) Whether the date should be shown below or beside the time



  • url: (String, default: empty string)

  • localPath: (String, default: empty string)



  • show_requestShutDown: (Bool, default: false) Show an option to shut down the system.

  • show_requestReboot: (Bool, default: false) Show an option to reboot the system.

  • show_requestLogout: (Bool, default: false) Show an option to logout.

  • show_requestLogoutScreen: (Bool, default: true) Show an option to display the logout screen.

  • show_lockScreen: (Bool, default: true) Show an option to lock the system.

  • show_switchUser: (Bool, default: false) Show an option to switch user.

  • show_suspendToDisk: (Bool, default: false) Show an option to suspend the system to disk (hibernate).

  • show_suspendToRam: (Bool, default: false) Show an option to suspend the system suspend.



  • expanding: (bool, default: true) If true, the spacer tries to take all the available space in the panel.

  • length: (Int, default: -1) length in pixels of the spacer. Configuration effective only if expanding is set to false. A negative value means an invalid value that should be completely ignored.

Last updated