KDE application layer

KDE Telephony stack

The list of Plasma Mobile applications related to telephony.


Client GUI Applications related to telephony. Right now they are using ModemManagerQt directly, since initiated with Plasma Dialer repository split is a work in progress.

Plasma Dialer

plasma-dialer — Dialer for Plasma Mobile.

Similar projects:


spacebar — SMS/MMS Application for Plasma Mobile.

Currently uses ModemManagerQt directly.

Similar projects:

Plasma Settings App

plasma-sessings — Settings application for Plasma Mobile. Provide options to select networks, modes, APNs.

Currently uses ModemManagerQt directly.


Not applications technically, but also related to the GUI client-side

Plasma Phone Components

plasma-phone-components — General UI components for Plasma Phone including shell, containment, and applets. Shell displays a signal strength indicator.

Currently uses ModemManagerQt directly.

Similar projects:

Plasma Network Manager Applet

plasma-nm — Plasma applet is written in QML for managing network connections. Provides SIM unlocking PIN dialog.

Currently uses ModemManagerQt directly.

Similar projects:

Last updated