KDE Developer Platform

Built on top of Qt, KDE's technologies work on every platform. Desktop Linux, Android, Windows, macOS, embedded, and more.

It's works

Design, build and distribute beautiful, usable applications with KDE technologies.

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Develop once, deploy everywhere. Built on top of Qt, KDE's technologies work on every platform. Desktop Linux, Android, Windows, macOS, embedded, and more.

KDE Frameworks: Enhance the Qt Experience

KDE Frameworks cover 80 add-on libraries for programming with Qt. All libraries have been well-tested in real world scenarios and are comprehensively documented. KDE's libraries are distributed under LGPL or MIT licenses.

MauiKit / Kirigami

Build Beautiful, Convergent Apps that Run on Phones, TVs and Everything in Between.

The line between desktop and mobile is blurring and users expect the same quality experience on every device. Applications using KDE adapt brilliantly to mobile, desktop, TVs, infortainment systems and everything in between.

KDE's components are goodlooking and consistent. Users of MauiKit / Kirigami apps will appreciate the smart choices made in the API and uncluttered design.


A cross-platform IDE for C, C++, Python, QML/JavaScript and PHP

Open Source, powerful and fast, KDevelop offers a seamless development environment to programmers that work on projects of any size. KDevelop helps you get the job done while staying out of your way.

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